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Mildew Carpet Removal

In today’s post, we will speak about one of the most common carpet problems such as mildew. A close relative of the mold, mildew is also a type of fungus that can grow in our homes. Just like other focuses, mildew loves a moist environment and warm temperatures. What should you do when you have spotted mildew on the carpet, is this reason to panic and throw it away?

Mildew Carpet Removal

Luckily for you, mildew can be removed in a few easy steps that you can do by yourself. If you don’t have time and money for professional cleaning (which is also not always necessary), just follow the tips below to have a mildew-free home.

In this post:

How to Remove Mildew from Carpet

Carpet smells musty? There are many methods for mildew carpet removal, although some of them are more affected than others. Let’s look at a few of them.

The most important thing in cleaning is to deal with the middle just as soon as you have discovered it, head-on. The longer it lives in your carpet the harder it will be to remove. 

Before you start the mildew carpet removal, think about the safety precautions. Put on the protective mask, goggles, and gloves. Or, if you have a protective cloth, put it on as well.

Method 1. Dishwashing Detergent and Water

  1. First of all, prepare the area for the carpet cleaning. It better be outside. You don’t want the mildew residue flying around your home during the cleaning. 
  2. By using a soft brush try to sweep away as much of the mildew as you can. Do you to its soft texture this should be quite easy to do. 
  3. Vacuum the area where the mildew was located. After you have done the vacuuming throw away the vacuum bag.
  4. Mix dishwashing liquid with warm water approximately 1 to 1 and create a foamy soapy mixture.
  5. By using a sponge apply some of that mixture to the affected area and blot it well.
  6. Leave the carpet to air dry.

Method 2. Hydrogen Peroxide and Water

If you didn’t like the first method or it didn’t help here is another one for you.

  1. Start the process in the same way by brushing and vacuum cleaning away the visible mildew.
  2. Mix five parts of water with one part of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Apply the mixture to the carpet with a clean towel or a sponge. Go from the outside of the stain towards the center.
  4. Let the carpet air dry.

After removing the mildew you might wish to make your carpet fluffy again. To do this, just vacuum clean it again and brush it with a carpet rake.

It is recommended to ventilate the room where the rug was previously located for a few more days.

Method 3. Ready-made Mildew Remover

We have tested a few products and can undoubtedly recommend the one below. It has simple non-toxic formulas and still does the job.

Concrobium 25326 Mold Control Spray, 32 oz at Amazon

The spray produced by Concrobium is fragrance-free and has a non-toxic formula that is perfect for homes, boats, and even cars. It doesn’t have any harmful fumes, that’s why you can use it in homes with kids and pets. What I liked most is that it doesn’t discolor the carpets, so you can use it for carpets of any color. During cleaning the spray goes even deeper than the beach and it crashes the whole mildew spore. It will not regrow later.

It’s effective for not only mildew carpet removal but also mold removal, and any unpleasant odors caused by the fungus growth.

Like with any product remember to read the instructions on the packaging carefully before every use. 

It is required to apply the liquid from the front and the backside, it must be absorbed into the entire carpet. You should also wipe the furniture in the room where the carpet was located because some particles of the mildew could easily spread during the cleaning.

Why Does Mildew Appear on the Carpet?

The same is with mold, the main reason for mildew appearance and growth on the carpet is the wet environment. If your carpet was left wet for even 24 hours you can already see some signs of mildew growing on it. Of course, not every wet carpet develops mildew, but if there were any spores in the air, the growth process can be really fast.

How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Carpet

What is the scent of mildew? To describe it in a single word: musty.

How to Remove the Smell of Mildew

Mildew is a very simple problem to deal with compared to mold. Due to mildew being a surface issue rather than a deeper one, cleaning is usually all that is needed in order to remove the mildew odor, as opposed to the more complex methods necessary to remove mold.

Required Cleaning Supplies:

  • A spray bottle
  • Squeegee or rough sponge for cleaning
  • Baking soda
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Hot water in a little container
  • A microfiber cloth

Avoiding skin and eye contact with mildew might be difficult if you don’t have the proper protective equipment. Put on some thick rubber or flock-lined gloves so that your hands are protected not just from the mildew but also from the hot water that you’ll be using in the process.

Getting rid of a mildew smell is as simple as getting rid of anything in the afflicted area.

A mildew invasion may quickly move from one surface to another. Due to the ease with which mildew may spread on textiles, it’s a good idea to remove and inspect anything in the immediate proximity of where mildew was originally discovered.

You’ll know where the mildew is if you take a quick look around once all the clutter has been cleared away. Make careful to inspect the grout, tile, and the inside and outside of cupboards, as well as any other places where it may have grown before you spotted it.

Prepare not just yourself but also the space by donning your safety gear and opening the windows so that clean air can enter and flow freely throughout the space. Adding a couple of fans is another option.

1. Use a vinegar spray to get the job done.

Apply sufficient amounts of distilled white vinegar solution to the mildew using a spray bottle. let it sit on the stain overnight.

2. Get started with the scrubbing.

Hot water should be poured into the bucket, and baking soda should be measured out into a separate container. It’s important to remember that the container with baking soda must be large enough so that you can dip the entire scrub brush into it.

First, douse your scrub brush or abrasive sponge in the hot water, and then roll it around in the baking soda. Once you’ve removed the mildew from the surface, add some more hot water and baking soda to the sponge and brush whenever it gets dry.

Make sure you scrub with enough pressure to eliminate all of the mildew.

3. Rinse and dry the affected area.

You don’t want to wind up with a lingering mildew stench after you’ve cleaned up, so make sure you don’t leave a damp area behind when you’re done.

Use a clean rag to remove any remaining moisture from the area and then open the windows and/or use fans to speed up the drying process, if necessary.

Health Risks of Mildew in the Carpet

According to the research carried out by the Ohio State University, an increased likelihood of developing asthma and allergies, as well as a more severe manifestation of these conditions, has been linked to exposure to fungi in indoor environments. Alt a 1 is one of the most common fungal allergens and is present in carpets. Fact: 95–99 percent of houses have Alternaria sp. and other cross-reactive fungus species that can create the Alt a 1 allergy. One of its recognized health impacts is that it increases the likelihood of developing asthma and respiratory infections. Fungal components (hyphae, spores, and particles) can be inhaled, but the fungus can also emit dangerous substances into the air, such as MVOCs and mycotoxins.

Toxic mildew spores can trigger a variety of symptoms including eye irritation, difficulty breathing, and an itchy throat. They can also cause sneezing, itchiness, wheezing, and coughing. It is possible to become more sensitive to mildew with regular exposure, which can lead to more severe allergic responses. Mildew is one of the primary contributors to poor indoor air quality, which makes these problems much more severe inside.

Prevention of Mildew from Appearing on the Carpet

Understanding why mildew appears is crucial for prevention. That’s why if your carpet got wet, it’s better to ensure a dry environment in the room or even dry it yourself with a fan heater or a hairdryer. In addition, follow these simple tips below.

  • Try to keep all the surfaces in your house dry at all times. We have a lot of wet surfaces at home, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. When you’re finished using your washing machine, leave it open until the next use so it can dry inside.
  • Get the dehumidifier. This machine will help you to prevent mildew and mold from growing. The perfect humidity level for the home is around 40 to 50%.
  • Make a regular inspection of all your carpets. The faster you find out, the easier it will be to remove.
  • Use an air purifier. Many of them have a feature that allows them to remove mildew spores from the air and stop them from growing ad spreading.

What Is the Difference Between Mildew and Mold?

  1. Appearance. Look at the stain. Appearance is one of the main differences between these types of fungus. Mold stains usually look black green or brownish. Mildew is usually yellow, white, or grey in color.
  2. Texture. The texture of the mildew is usually powdery and fluffy. While mold has a slimy texture. 
  3. Both mildew and mold like to grow in moist and warm places. This can be a bathroom, basement, kitchen, and of course the carpet which has been wet.
  4. A difference between mildew and mold is that mildew is slightly easier to remove. You can do it with home do-it-yourself solutions, or an over-the-counter mildew cleaner.
  5. Both mildew and mold smell musty. So if you have noticed a musty smell in your home, it must be one or the other fungus. 

Below you can see the image of how mildew (left) looks compared to mold (right).

mildew and mold


Mildew is a fungus that destroys various surfaces and, in particular, eats away at the fibers of the carpet. Is mildew dangerous for the health? Absolutely! If you live in a house with mildew you can develop a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. It is dangerous to breathe in spores. The most common effects of mildew on the body include sneezing, running nose, throat irritation, nose congestion, and even a headache.

Moreover, if you do not remove the mildew from the carpet or wherever it is growing, these symptoms can only become worse with time. That’s why it’s so important to remove it hands-on when you have noticed.

I hope this post was convincing enough to make you understand that mildew removal is necessary and very easy to do. You can keep your home safe and healthy with these simple methods. If you liked a post, share it with your friends and family, and let your home always be mildew-free.